Saturday 13 February 2016

A Skin Of Others - Build 13/02/16

This week (and the later half of last week) was focused on building the town. This is the thing that stores your permanent progression, in the form of upgrades that can be applied to new characters. This gives an overall sense of progression to players, but also allows you to play an 'unupgraded' character simply buy not acquiring any upgrades. The town gets upgraded by completing quests out in the world (for example finding a iron mine upgrades the weapons the blacksmith will sell you). You can see the new starting tavern here.

Other changes this week:
  • New class 'Farmer'. This is your new starting class. The others are unlocked via quests. 
  • New skill trees for the farmer. It has abilities like Plough Face and Sow Pain. 
  • A load of new quests to do with upgrading the town, and some more not to do with that. 
  • Removed default bonus stats from heavy/medium/light armour, now making it a speed/defense tradeoff. Also increased the likelyhood of enchants so there should still be the stat boosts. 
  • Made weapon scaling have a falloff in effectiveness. Now stacking a certain attribute doesn't make you instantly op. 
  • Enemies now scale up in stats the deeper you go. So a goblin on floor 20 will be a bit tougher than on floor 1. 
  • Improved the keyboard controls slightly. You can now use abilities with the keyboard. Still can't navigate the menus with it though 

You can download and play it here:

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